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Guest Speaker - Cal Pierce

June 3-4, 2016

Cal Pierce will share at the Omaha Hub.

We are very excited for our upcoming conference Jun 3-4 with international speaker & author, Cal Pierce. Cal is the Director of International Association of Healing Rooms, which has over 3000 Healing Rooms operations in 77 different countries.

"I believe God is using Cal Pierce to sound a wake-up call to the Church in North America to be responsive to Jesus' mandate in the Great Commission. This mandate clearly includes a ministry of healing on the part of the Church." --Randy Clark, President & Founder of Global Awakening

Cal Pierce Bio:

Cal Pierce and his wife Michelle grew up in Redding, California where they were members of Bethel Assembly of God Church. Cal served at Bethel as an elder and board member. He says he was "the most bored board member the church had." For 25 years he was stuck in a form of Christianity that denied God's power. In June, 1996 during a service where God moved powerfully, Cal was changed by the power of God. Cal's life has been changed ever since.

Cal, a Real Estate Developer, felt God draw he and his wife, Michelle, north to Washington State in November 1997. "We sold everything, packed up our furniture and moved to Spokane having never been there before. We were not sure exactly what God wanted us to do, so we continued to seek his direction for ministry."

Having studied the revivals, Cal had read about John G. Lake's ministry in Spokane. Cal visited Lake's grave site once each month for over one year to pray.

"On February 28, 1999 I started a 40 day fast. I went to Lake's grave site to pray when I heard God say, 'There is a time to pray, and a time to move.' There was no doubt that God wanted us to re-dig the generational wells of healing in Spokane." Cal called in intercessors and began training up healing teams. On July 22, 1999 the Spokane Healing Rooms of John G. Lake were re-opened in the same location they were 80 years ago.

Cal teaches at conferences around the world about the provision Jesus provided in the atonement for our healing. All of the provision of the cross must impact the body of Christ. God is raising up an end-time army that must get out of the tent if it is going to march to the battle and take the harvest. This army will not march to the battle on crutches. It will have signs and wonders following it.

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