Prophetic Community
Prophetic Community is under the umbrella of the Omaha HUB – committed to loving God, loving people, and advancing the Kingdom in the earth through our commitment to growing in the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. We also believe in exhorting, edifying, encouraging and training the people of God to hear His voice. Our reason for gathering is for the purpose of creating a prophetic grace and atmosphere in the city where people can come to be refreshed by His voice.
Key Scriptures: Revelation 19:10, I Corinthians 14:3 and Ephesians 4:11-13.
VISION STATEMENT: Our vision is to train, equip and support those in the body of Christ who desire to hear the heart of God, releasing prophetic grace, encouragement and wisdom to the body through the leadership of Jesus.
Diane Cory
Director of Prophetic

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Our monthly gatherings center around topics and training that focus on growing a prophetic awareness of the Spirit of prophecy (Jesus Christ). A prophetic community takes place when high-level of God’s love coupled with prophetic anointing is present in a geographical location. In this atmosphere even non- prophetic people can prophesy. We wish to come together and to create an atmosphere where God’s people can see, hear and sense what God is doing in our church, city, region and nation.
“There is so much more to prophecy than just jumping on someone in a parking lot after church and telling them what you think of them! The prophetic is a BRILLIANT building block that can help solidify a friendship, partnership or relationship” – Graham Cooke
When: The First Saturday of Each Month (Check this web sight as this is always subject to change).
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Join Us: June 4th for our "City of Promise" conference with Cal Pierce (Director of Healing Rooms Ministry International-Spokane Washington)
Summer Sessions: Join Us!
- July 9 - Prophetic Blast!
Do you want to go to a new level in your Spiritual gifts? Come and receive insites on how to reach the next level with God - Walking and growing prophetic anointing.
- August 6 - TBA
Classes Begin September 2016
Prophetic Basics “Sowing God’s Word” (8 weeks)
What is Prophecy?
Hearing God’s Voice? How God Speaks
Sowing Seed: Preparation for Interpretation
The Process: Revelation, Understanding, Application, and Giving a Word
Prophetic Protocol in Corporate Settings (staying in the flow)
Prophetic Processing and Journaling
Prophetic Etiquette and Avoiding Pitfalls
Prophetic Ministry in Action
Prophetic Level Two (6 weeks)
God Vibrations (2 weeks) Dan McCollam video series
Prophetic Evangelism
Dreams, dream symbols and dream interpretation
Tracey Cooney
Prophetic Worship
& Teaching
Roger & Teri Dunn
Prophecy, Healing
& Teaching
Amy Holmes
Prophetic Intercession,
Teaching and

Submit A Prophetic Word

Word Of The Month
womb of love and relationship with Holy Spirit. The young eaglets will move out with kingdom purpose, birthing supernatural inventions and discoveries. A new generation of eaglet prophets will give eyes and ears to His message of love and justice in its purest form. In order to establish pure justice, a new breed of eaglets will burst forth in love and devotion to Him and the hurting, as we have never seen upon the earth before. These untamed, wild voices will break through the shell of religiosity and corruption that has overtaken our country. We will see them pushed from their nests by God and they will fly. Watch and see what He is about to do. These young prophets will be fed under the wings of the adult eagles, encouraging them to fly into position. I see their wings fanning fuel for prayer that brings forth revival and His voice carried far and wide in this next season.

Monthly Community Meetings
School of Prophetic Ministry

God’s Young “Eaglets” Burst Forth by Diane Cory
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Two eaglets have hatched at the bald eagle nest at the National Arboretum. A bald eagle clutch typically includes two eggs. The nest period is typically more than 2 months.
Watch God’s young eagles burst forth-in 2016 and 2017. A new breed of prophetic voices are breaking through among us. Young eaglets are coming forth and learning to fly. They will be dancers, singers, intercessors and evangelists bursting out with the fire of God; following only what they see their Father doing. God is putting His words in the mouths of the young marketplace seers and prophetic warriors who will win over the hearts and minds of people through marketing and media. Coming forth are the young prophets who will speak from the