What Is The Hub?
Welcome to the Omaha HUB’s website. Julaine Christensen is the founder and director of the Omaha HUB. She has traveled as an Evangelist/Revivalist for more than 20 years and has ministered in more than 18 nations. During her ministry both here and abroad, she has seen countless numbers of people saved, delivered, and healed through the power of God’s word and worship. She strongly believes that worship is one of the keys to ushering in the presence of God.
During her 20 years of travel, the Lord outlined a picture of a House of Prayer and Worship and Equipping Center as a wheel that centered around Christ, as the prayer and worship honored the audience of ONE.
Julaine Christensen continued her traveling ministry until 2008 and then took a break for the summer months. During that time, she attended healing services in Lakeland, FL, came home and began healing services in her home. People began to call and ask if they could come to her home for prayer. The first Monday afternoon, twenty-five people showed up. They worshiped and then God came with such power in healings and signs and wonders that they decided to continue the meetings the following Monday evening and more than 75 people came with hungry hearts. After several weeks of meeting in her home, a local church offered to pay for a space in a hotel in order for them to continue to release the presence of God. Later, they were given a 9,000 sq. foot building for meetings. It was amazing to see so many people hungry for a move of God’s presence. Nearly 150-200 people attended each Monday night as God’s presence filled the building. In December, 2008, they moved to Burt Circle into a smaller space on the west side of the building. This was the first time they signed a lease and consequently, the Omaha HUB officially embarked on its journey.
While in the Burt Circle location, the Lord began to release to them many prophetic words relating to their location and call. The HUB was then establishd on Old Mill Road in 2008, the mill representing the wheel and the flow of the Spirit - the same wheel that was seen years before. They moved to Burt Circle, the highest location in Omaha and directly off Old Mill Road. One afternoon, a well-known teacher of the Word from the city came to the HUB. He had no idea who they were but the Spirit of God led him to the building. As the Spirit of God fell upon him, he began to prophecy over the work of the HUB and released a blessing. It was a monumental moment for those present. They also received affirmation and blessing from a local church and denomination.
Monday night worship, Encountering Jesus services, became the main service night and the HUB continued to unfold. They quickly outgrew their space and moved to the west side of the building giving more room to expand. It was then, that they were able to launch a full prayer house, equipping center, school of ministry, evangelism/outreach ministry, healing rooms, city Burns, and coffee shop.
In November 2012, the HUB family began a “Beholding Fast,” where they spent 21 days sitting at the feet of Jesus and loving Him. It was, then, in December, 2012, Kris Kildosher from Bethel, Redding, CA, began services. The Presence of God filled the room as miracles, signs and wonders and a heavy, weighty presence of God filled worship. They had nearly 10,000 people experience an outpouring either by coming to the HUB or by watching the web stream. Every evening the HUB was filled with hungry people seeking God’s presence and healing power. This outpouring began in December 2012 and ended in April 2013.
In February, 2014, the Lord clearly spoke that the Omaha Hub was going to begin a Sunday morning Church service in order to provide a landing place for people who were searching for discipleship and community. During the outpouring, God brought a young man and his family who began to love and serve the HUB. God definitely had a pastor in mind. When God gives you a plan, He puts the people in place. Pastor Richard Gervais officially began services in January, 2015.
The HUB is considered an outreach to the city providing a prayer room open to the public as well as a ministry school for future leaders; prophetic training for those seeking to go deeper in the gifts, healing rooms for many who need a miracle and extended worship that will take you deeper into the presence of God. For extended community and discipleship, the House of Presence Church provides a firm foundation in the word and move of the Spirit. In order to accomplish our mission, God has added to the HUB an amazing team.
Our History
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Julaine Christensen
Director of The Omaha Hub
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Diane Cory
Director of Prophetic
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Richard Gervais
Pastor of House of
Presence Church (HOPC) &
Director of Healing Rooms
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Alyc & Hannah Rideout
Ministry School
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Ryan Bundy
Healing & Prophetic
Community Leadership
Joani Eledge
BURN 24/7 Area Director
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Barb & Tom
Managers of Coffee Bar
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Brendy Banks
Executive Director of
Cross Training Center/
Omaha Hub Board Member
& Outreach Consultant
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The Omaha Hub's Vision is to create an atmosphere to go deeper in the presence of God. The HUB exists to cooperate with the work of the Spirit in creating a resting place for the Lord and seeks to provide an environment where He can transform, equip, motivate, inspire, activate and release His Body to take part in the ministry of the end-time church.
Core Values:
1. We value and uphold God's Word as the main cornerstone of life and liberty.
2. We value hunger for God as a means to call forth the presence of God and bringing about revival.
3. We value partnering with God in digging wells of revival that will not only bless the region, but affect the nations.
4. We value presence driven ministry and prize above all else the hosting of His presence in a way that brings radical transformation to the lives of
the people.
5. We value a house that is fueled by prayer as a key to birthing and sustaining revival.
6. We value God's desire to continually release new sounds in worship in order to draw people deeper into His presence.
7. We value God's healing power, miracles and the supernatural realm.
8. We value raising up sons and daughters while training and equipping a generation to release the Kingdom.
9. We value the message of the cross and repentance so that the lamb may receive the reward of His suffering.

"The Hubs Are Arising!"
By: Ryan LeStrange - Abingdon, VA
The Hubs are arising! This is the word that has been burning in my spirit. The Lord is igniting the flames of revival fire in various regions in the earth. I was in prayer, seeking God about His plans for the nations, when suddenly a vision erupted in my spirit. I saw light springing forth from various places in the world. As I looked, I could see this all over the globe. I literally saw a network of lit-up places all connected; it looked like some type of digital map. I began to ask the Lord, "What am I seeing?" He spoke to me that these are global "Revival Hubs." Each Hub is a strategic place of outpouring.
As the Lord continued to reveal to me His plans for Revival Centers and Hubs, He showed me that they would function differently than what I would typically perceive as a Revival Center. The Hubs are not only called to be places of revival and outpouring but also of equipping and advancing. Radical moves of the Spirit and hosting the presence of God are only part of the call of these emerging centers. These must also be places that teach in order to activate and equip the Body of Christ and every member for the last day's harvest.
I see a great wave of glory coming upon the Hubs! The Hubs will carry different expressions of revival in this hour, yet each one is vital to the plans of the Father. We must be very cautious to not create a cookie-cutter pattern for the Revival Centers and Hubs that are being birthed.
The Revival Hubs are called to embrace partnership between the apostolic and prophetic ministries. The apostolic anointing is a building and governing anointing. The Hubs carry a mandate for regional revival, equipping, and activation! The prophetic anointing reveals. In order for transformation to unfold and revival to be released, there must be divine revelation. A Hub is a place of continuing refreshing and outpouring. It is not just a place that enjoys a seasonal outpouring. This is an expression of the apostolic mandate to build places of presence and power. These are also places of prayer and intimacy.
"This is the discovery of a paradigm that will unleash a global harvest as My plans and purposes are fulfilled in the earth," says the Lord. "I am building the foundation for Revival and Revival Centers; it is not the work of man but the ordination of My Spirit."
The Father is placing men and women in particular places to dig deep wells of revival and refreshing for a region. He is establishing ministries that will serve as a Hub of revival in their territory. These Hubs are places of divine outpouring and awakening led by radical revivalists whose heart's cry is to see a great awakening.
The agenda of the hour is not just building another ministry but to release the spiritual destiny of a region and host the presence of God in a way that brings radical transformation to the lives of the people.
Characteristics of Revival Hubs
• They are marked by hunger! It is the hungry that will press in and invite an outpouring in a region.
• They will dig wells that will not only bless the Hub but also the region and beyond.
• They will face opposition as the well gets deeper and the transforming presence of God grows in the Hub.
• They are Presence-driven. These Revival Hubs and those who lead them place great emphasis and value upon the presence of their God.
• These Hubs are prayer-fueled. Prayer is KEY to birth and sustain revival.
• They will release the sounds of Heaven. Revival Hubs are impacted by revival worship. God is birthing new sounds for a new move. There is no room for performance-driven worship in these Hubs. The worship that is coming forth draws people deeper into encounter.
• They will be known for miracles and power! Revival Hubs are places of supernatural power where bodies are healed, lives are changed, and miracles are released.
• They will be places of fathering and equipping.
The emerging move is an apostolic- and prophetic-driven revival. The Hubs that God is raising up birth and establish spiritual sons and daughters. As the move of God continues, training is key to raise up a generation that releases the Kingdom. Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Isaiah 55:1
Ryan LeStrange, Pastor & Founder
Impact International Ministries/Ryan LeStrange Ministries