HSM - School of Ministry
The Omaha Hub will be adding a HSM - Hub School of Ministry in the fall of 2016. DETAILS COMING SOON! #HSM #schoolofministry

Healing Rooms
The Omaha Hub started Healing Rooms on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Please LIKE the 'Omaha Hub Healing Rooms' Facebook page where we will be...

Guest Speaker - Bart Hadaway
FEBRUARY 22, 2016: Bart Hadaway will share at The Omaha Hub. After serving with XP Ministries in Arizona for nine years, Bart and Kim...

Guest Speaker - Mitch & Dani Stroda
FEBRUARY 8, 2016: Mitch and Dani Stroda share at The Omaha Hub. For more info, email us at: Info@TheOmahaHub.com CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE...

Special Guest - Dave Olson (JANUARY 4)
JANUARY, 4, 2016: Pastor Dave Olson from Heartland Church in Ankey, Iowa shares at The Omaha Hub. For more info, email us at:...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from all of us at The Omaha Hub! We will be closed on Friday, January 1, 2016 to observe the holiday. Wishing you the best...

Special Healing Presence Night - Kris Kildosher
Join us on December 21, 2015 as Kris Kildosher shares a special healing presence night at The Omaha Hub. Monday, December 21, 2015 6:30pm...

Guest Speaker - Steve Warriner (NOV 23)
Join us on Monday, November 23 as Steve Warriner shares at The Omaha Hub. Monday, November 23 6:30pm #SteveWarriner

Prophetic Training Class - LEVEL 2
PERSONAL PROPHECY TRAINING CLASS - LEVEL 2 (Level 1 Pre-requisite) FACILITATORS: Diane Cory, Ryan Bundy & Roger and Teri Dunn DATES:...
Guest Speaker - Dave Geryls
Join us on Sunday, November 8 from 6:00pm-8:00pm as Dave Geryls shares about Christ for the City of Omaha and how to prepare for the days...