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Everybody Has a Place

We all have this way of looking at things. We either see what we are doing and notice that it isn’t like everyone else, or we see what we are doing and notice it is like everyone else.

With the first, we can tend to feel like it might not be what most people want. I mean, if it is what people wanted, it would be more popular right? With the latter, we can feel like what we are doing is not that special, so we probably don’t have anything to say that is new.

From experience I can say, both are wrong and both are silliness.

Let’s dismantle all of this. If what you are doing seems unpopular, look outside of your normal circle of friends. You probably are not the only person doing what you are doing. If what you are doing seems so popular that you have no new input, look outside of your normal circle of friends. You will realize that there is really only a small amount of people in the world who are into what you are into. So there are a lot of people who can benefit from your input.

NEWSFLASH: Not all Christians are into Paul Baloche, King’s Kaleidoscope, Chris Tomlin, Toby Mac, IHOP, Bethel, or Jesus Culture. So even within what you would consider your normal world, not everyone appeals to everyone, but everyone has a place!

So, why a blog? Elly and I have a sort of weird position in the Body of Christ that is somewhat like an elbow or joint. We connect with so many parts of the Body that we get the benefits of many. What it often equates to is the sense of being accepted by many, but only a few really knowing you. So it allows us this place to learn from others, but to also be in a place where we are having new influences.

That is a big reason we have enjoyed our place at The HUB in Omaha. It allows us to connect with so many people from different congregations and still have a tight family. It allows us to be free to try new things while still being protected.

I wish everyone could have the experience we get to have. So we want to be able to share with you what we have learned and are learning.

In the same token, we know this expands our community and ability to learn from what God has shown others. There are definitely truths to walking with Christ, but there are also a great number of things that come down to the specifics of what God has for your life. Some of it is clearly specific to us, but we definitely welcome feedback, questions, and comments because collectively there are a lot more experiences to draw from. We just want to see Christ fully display Himself in His Body, and a lot of this starts with the blessing of community. So even though this is geared toward worship leaders, it is not only for them. Whoever you are, feel free to take part and be a part.


Justin Heckel

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